Sunday, March 11, 2012

Playing with Shadows!

Thanks to Katie Keier's great suggestion, we introduced our unit on Shadows and Reflections with the wonderful Shel Silverstein poem: Shadow Race. We then went outside and got to experiment with making shadows just like the poem said. We pointed to the sun and raced our shadows to see who would win. The kids absolutely loved it, and it really helped them conceptualize where shadows come from. Thanks for the great poem and activity idea, Katie!


  1. I love this! Did you debrief the play afterwards?

  2. We did! We talked about what they were doing and what the race was all about. We asked questions like those posed in Serious Players in the Primary Classroom: What were the parts you like? What observations did you make? How do you explain how you beat your shadow?

  3. Wonderful! I'm so glad this activity worked out for you and was a meaningful learning experience. I'm sure it's one they won't forget soon!
